Monday, December 10, 2012

This Fall

Well I've more or less failed to blog this fall. Which is really inexcusable because this fall has seen some really fantastic musical releases and events. I've been doing my best to document all of this on the radio show, which hopefully y'all have been enjoying, but for anyone who hasn't heard that, I want to put it here too. I've had a lot on my plate this term, but now I'm going to briefly talk about a lot of different things that are exciting and good, and also about some things that are less exciting. More in-depth discussion coming with the year-end post. Here we go.

Releases: Here are a handful of the biggest releases from the last month or so that I have thoughts about.

Babel - Mumford & Sons [September 25]

I am underwhelmed. Babel is by no means a bad album, and it's not even a particularly weak album, but I guess I was really hoping that Mumford & Sons would be the truly talented band to break into the mainstream. I was hoping that they'd release albums full of really interesting and strong folk music because that's really not happened on this scale before. This album was a minor letdown because I think it reveals that the band has much less musical and artistic depth than I had hoped. It's not a bad album, it's just not one I care for.

The 2nd Law Muse [October 1]

Very good album, one of the best of the year. It's an experiment, and not every piece of it works equally well. But "Supremacy" and "Madness" are masterpiece-level songs, and the title tracks approach thematic and sonic perfection. The album blurs the lines of genre in really exciting ways. This is a really strong album from a really strong band.

Til The Casket Drops - ZZ Ward [October 16]

10/10. Would bang.
No for real, ZZ Ward is unbelievable. I saw her open for Gary Clark Jr., and immediately bought tickets to see her again in February. She has a phenomenal voice and presence, her music is full of grit, passion, and energy. This album is really an adventure.

Blak and Blu - Gary Clark Jr. [October 22]

One of the biggest and proudest rock and roll albums of the year. Actually over the last couple of years. GCJ exploded over the summer, hitting all the major festivals and creating a huge buzz. His Coachella performance was electrifying (and that was with a lousy 4:00 slot), and even then, you got the sense that he was just warming up. It is safe to say that on this album, he has warmed up. Listen to it.
(It occurs to me that this album carries a little more weight after having seen him perform it live, which I'll talk about below, but I don't think that lessens its achievements.)

Warrior - Ke$ha [December 4]

My love for Ke$ha is undying, but this album is a little bizarre at times. "Die Young" is a solid single, and one of the better songs on the album. The collaboration with Iggy Pop is another highlight. The title track (also the first track) is strange and sort of hard to listen to at times. But I guess that's kinda the point. The album is worth checking out if you're a fan of any of her other work, as strange as it is, it's another great showcase of her many talents. Ke$ha hasn't changed.

Shows: Some of the shows I've attended and loved this fall.

Ben Howard (Fonda Theater)

One of the best shows of the year (maybe number 2 or 3?). I was a big fan of Ben Howard before I saw him live, but since seeing him play I am absolutely starstruck. He brings so much energy to the stage. His music takes on another dimension when performed live, which can't be said for every artist in the world. Also, s/o to his drummer, who ALSO THE BASS AND THE DRUMS SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH ONE HAND EACH. That shit is cray.

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (Fonda Theater)

This show nearly killed me. Very rarely have I ever been in a room with this much energy. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis know how to throw a party, and despite the show being attended almost exclusively by whiny white kids like me, and despite one of the openers being an absolute hack, this show was a revelatory experience. I can not wait to see them again in March.

Lamb Of God (Hollywood Palladium)

This show actually almost killed me. I guess that's the price you pay for being up against the barrier for the whole evening. But it was awesome. I've been wanting to see Lamb of God for a really long time, and I think all things considered, this was about as much as I could have asked for. It was a really violent, loud, and energetic show, but I caught one of Willie Adler's guitar picks and got some really cool pictures of LoG and In Flames (who were much better than I would have expected).

LP (Troubadour)

Let me tell you a story. And that story is this video of LP covering Beyonce's "Halo." Once you have seen this, then come back and understand what I mean when I say that LP will melt your soul. Her vocal range is absolutely insane, and somehow she makes her weird, harsh, operatic voice work flawlessly. One of the top five shows of the year.

Gary Clark Jr. (Troubadour)

Spoiler alert: this was the best show I attended all year. Gary Clark Jr. will change your whole life. I'm going to save my discussion for the year-end post so I don't repeat myself too much. But yeah. Absolutely incredible concert.

Various Announcements and News Items from the Past Few Months

Two albums being released this winter:

The NowhereNauts (Warned You)
The Odious (Joint Ventures)

Look for reviews of both. The review of Joint Ventures will appear on this blog, but will be co-written with Asher Dunitz of the Lacerations of the Unknowing blog. I've already heard the NowhereNauts album and can tell you that it is an incredible follow-up to their debut, which you can hear on their website. Both of these are going to be really great.

Four Exciting Announcements about 2013:

A bunch of new music is en route. We've finally gotten word that Phoenix will be releasing a new album in April, which is the best fucking news ever. Pearl Jam have been working off-and-on on new material, and hope to release it late 2013. The Black Keys are taking a breather this winter, but aim to be recording again in early 2013 and to release their follow-up to El Camino later in the year. Arcade Fire also hope to be releasing a new album, and have been debuting a few new tunes at a couple of benefit shows. All of these will hopefully make 2013 a really fantastic year musically.


Okay, there you have it. Think of it as a fourth-quarter report, with the annual summary coming in a few more weeks. Thanks for tolerating my ridiculous schedule. Continue to rock out.


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