Monday, February 27, 2012

So Many Good New Songs!

AHHHHH there are a bunch of awesome new songs being released yesterday/today. First (as my last two posts have illustrated) is the lead single from John Mayer's new album ("Born and Raised"). The song is called "Shadow Days." I think it's very good. It's sincere in both composition and theme, and it shows a maturity in Mayer's songwriting from a lyrical standpoint. Listen to it here.

Secondly, a new track from Bruce Springsteen. Also really good here. It really just sounds like The Boss sat down for some low-key jamming, and this came out. I'm not in love with the pedal steel guitar solo/lead, but it certainly isn't bad. Have a listen to it over here.

Lastly, new(ish) Regina Spektor. I say "ish" because the song isn't super new, but the recording and release are. It's different than other Regina I've listened to in the past (which is, admittedly, not much), but really good. Listen to that one here on SoundCloud.

Go listen to these tunes! They're really fun! Yay new music!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Update: New Sounds From John Mayer

The song I discuss in this post is hitting radio waves tomorrow according to this Facebook post from John Mayer. Have a listen to the sample (linked at the original post), and tune in to hear the new tune! Then come back and tell me what you think of it.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Sounds From John Mayer

Everyone's favorite pop/rock/blues/absurdity star is resurfacing after some quiet time. He recently (October) underwent the same surgery that Adele Adkins had to fix his throat. He apparently had recorded most of his upcoming album before that, and is now putting on the finishing touches in preparation for a release later this year. This sample was posted to his Tumblr along with the message "I’m excited to share the first bit of sound from the album… Been looking forward to a post like this since October 14, 2010, the first day I started writing this group of songs. Enjoy."

I think this sounds like an appropriate follow-up to his 2009 release "Battle Studies," a little bit of pop, country, and blues all rolled together. The lyrics clearly suggest that he is trying to move beyond his younger and more vulnerable days, and get some credit for maturing both as a man and as a musician. I'll be excited to hear his new album and to see if that is recognition he deserves. What do you think?

His new album will be entitled "Born and Raised," and is scheduled for release sometime in 2012. Look for it.

John Mayer: Cowboy Edition

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Different Kind Of Truth, The Same Kind Of Van Halen

Legendary rockers Van Halen released a studio album of new material this week. It marks the band’s twelfth studio release, and the first since frontman David Lee Roth rejoined the band.
It’s alright.
Long-time VH fans will enjoy the familiar sound on A Different Kind of Truth. The dynamic is really not different at all. This is, in part, due to the fact that some of these are songs that Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth were working on decades ago. It’s also partially due to the fact that Van Halen is something of a one-trick pony. Don’t get me wrong, that trick is awesome. But still.
Actually, pretty much my only complaint about this album is David Lee Roth. He doesn’t have any energy, his lyrics are rarely interesting, and his voice sounds tired. There are a handful of moments where he seems to break through and sound like his on self, but it’s never a full track. Most of the time he gets in the way of really strong rock music. Eddie, love him or hate him, hasn’t missed a beat with his guitar work. The guitar solos are actually incredible. The songs are big and loud and enjoyable, but I just can’t quite get past DLR’s vocals. They sound out of place and uncomfortable.
The album is nothing shocking or interesting, nor is it disappointing or boring. The songs all sound similar, but that’s kind of the point when it comes to VH. Aside from the first track (“Tattoo” was the lead single and is arguably the worst track on the album), the album is consistently above-average, with pockets of real intensity and energy. Overall it gets a 6.5/10.
A Different Kind of Truth is available on iTunes for $11.99 and is streaming on Spotify.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Music

Isn't the Super Bowl fun? Yeah, it's pretty fun. But you know what would make it more fun? Better halftime shows.

Now I want to preface everything after this by saying that, on the whole, I enjoyed Madonna's performance this afternoon. I thought she sounded good (lip-syncing or no, the sound was clean) and looked great. She's not my favorite entertainer, but I have no complaints about the show she put on.

I do, however, have complaints about a great many Super Bowl halftime shows. It seems like even when a really awesome musical artist is chosen, they're chosen too late in their career and the production is so overdone that it distracts from the quality of the entertainment. I want artists that will deliver an awesome, accessible, non-offensive (AHEM: M.I.A.) performance. Here's my list of artists I would like to see play at the Super Bowl. They are all big acts who play excellent music, and are not (totally) outdated or irrelevant.

The Black Keys
Green Day
John Mayer
Lady Gaga
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Paul Simon (and Art Garfunkel)
Pearl Jam
ZZ Top

Super Bowl Halftime Show Committee: Please refer to this list for the next decade.

Oh, one more for the list:

Allan Van Vliet

That is all.