Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 6, 2011 Addendum: Lindsey Buckingham

Sorry for not posting this yesterday, our campus internet was down for most of the day (and I had, you know, classes). Here are my thoughts on Lindsey Buckingham's new release "Seeds We Sow" (9/6/2011)...

This album was just fine. When I say that, I don't mean it was boring, lame or monotonous, nor do I mean it was exciting, adventurous or thrilling. It was none of those things. It was just fine.

The album's opening track (also the title track), "Seeds We Sow" is one of the better songs on the album. It's simple, with one guitar voice and one human voice. It's a perfectly good arrangement, and it works for the song. I can't help but think that as the song comes to a climax it might be benefitted by some strings or an organ or something. But whatever. It works.

After a strong opening track, you'd expect an album to either continue on a rise, or settle down a bit. This does neither. It just kind of continues as it was, decent songs in decent arrangements (the rest of the album does use more instruments than the first track). None of the songs were particularly interesting or inspiring, and I doubt whether any will achieve "hit" status.

The one exception might be "Rock Away Blind". This is the song the reminds us that Buckingham was once a core member of Fleetwood Mac. The skillful fingerpicking, familiar tenor singing, and minimalist arrangement come together in a way that works well. Or at least better than anywhere else on the album. 

Overall, Buckingham's album is absolutely adequate. It won't be given extended airtime, but it also won't be dismissed as garbage. "Seeds We Sow" earns a 6/10 from me. It should be noted that this album was entirely self-produced and released. I think that ended up being a mixed blessing; independence is always artistically beneficial, but it leaves more room for weakness. To quote Will Hermes of Rolling Stone, who reviewed the album as well, "Sometimes a man needs to go it alone, but sometimes it's good to bring your buds."

To read Hermes' review and to hear the title track, head over here. I don't always agree 100% with Rolling Stone, but I think they hit this particular nail squarely on the head.

In unrelated news, one of my good friends, Anthony Morones, has officially launched his blog/online portfolio. Go have a look. He has some really good art, and the blog features music reviews of things I don't necessarily cover (a lot of metal at the moment). We have been talking about potentially working together in the future on reviews and related stuff, so stay tuned to both blogs!

That's all for now, come back next Tuesday afternoon for "Got Music?".

1 comment:

  1. After a final pass through, I'mm adding "End Of Time" to the list of good songs. It's a little bit buried, but it's worth a listen.
