Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Black Keys Album‽

Heh. I used an INTERROBANG in that title.

I saw this video and I love the album already, despite the fact that it tells me nothing about the music. The Black Keys are amazing. I'm really looking forward to their new release, out December 6! Check out this hilarious ad:

They say the album is faster paced and less soul-y than Brothers. Some people (mostly people who liked them after Brothers came out) will probably be irritated by this. I think it's going to rock. These guys have proven that they know how to make an album right, and as this is their 7th go at it, I have high expectations. Check out this article from SPIN for more details.


October 25, 2011

Dumb video and sound aren't working together... Sorry. Also this video is too long. BUT I HAVE A LOT TO SAY DAMMIT. Enjoy...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011

This week's video is both late and tragically bad! Hooray!

Maybe I'll do these artists some justice at some point and give them real reviews...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011

Fail. I didn't get a video done today. I will do my best to have it up tomorrow, Thursday if not. Sorry. As a teaser, I will be discussing the new album by Cymbals Eat Guitars.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The NowhereNauts are one of my favorite new bands. As someone who can be, at times, excessively picky about his music, I like to think this says a lot about the alternative band from New York. Probably not. But the music speaks for itself. It’s raw, but not ugly; loud, but not intimidating; fun, but not crazy. The female lead and just-distorted guitar/bass dynamic remind me of The Ettes, but maybe just a bit less grungy.
The NowhereNauts’ self-titled debut album is well constructed and easy to listen to. I’ll be the first to admit that none of the songs is particularly noteworthy; none stands out. But it is equally true that none of the songs is weak. The album holds up all the way through. And, after three listens, I am quite sure that “all the way through” is the best way to take this album.
I’ll be keeping tabs on the NowhereNauts. I get the sense that they don’t particularly care about developing a following, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they find themselves one anyway. This is the kind of justice that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. The music can, in fact, triumph over the money. The NowhereNauts have a niche in the alternative music scene, and I’ll be listening intently as they settle into it and become participants in the everlasting redefinition of new music.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4, 2011

Good lord it's October...
Anyway, here's this week's video. It's about Ben Howard.